Dental Bridges

Have you ever been told by your family dentist that you had a tooth that was infected and it wasn't saveable? And that you would need to have that tooth extracted? What about people who were born without a number of adult teeth? Is there a way that these people can have a tooth added back into their smile after going without? The good news is that there is a way to get these people a fully functioning, real looking tooth!

One option to restore a missing tooth is a dental bridge. A bridge is a false tooth (also known as a pontic) that is held in place by the abutment (or existing) teeth on either side of the gap. This bridge is often made from porcelain or ceramic material and can be shaded to match your natural teeth. Replacing a missing tooth (or missing teeth) can restore your ability to chew foods properly, maintain the shape of your face, and prevent any other remaining teeth from moving out of their correct position. And the best part is that once the bridge is placed, you can eat and talk just as you did with your natural teeth!

Besides functionality, the aesthetics of having a tooth again where one was missing is one of the biggest pros for a dental bridge. A bridge can help to improve self-esteem and confidence in patients who are uncomfortable about their appearance with missing teeth. And the great news is that unlike with dental implants, where patients might not be a candidate, most people ARE candidates for one type of a dental bridge(there are 3 different kinds a dentist could do)! Bridges are very sturdy and can last on average 10 or more years if they are taken care of properly.

So, what are the downside of getting a bridge? For starters, bridges are not inexpensive. While cheaper than an implant, which would be another option used to replace a missing tooth, a three unit bridge could cost anywhere from $3,000-$5,000. (Prices depend on a multitude of things such as materials used, geographic location, etc.) Also, a bridge is still susceptible to decay and cavities if not cleaned well, which can put the abutment teeth on either side of the missing tooth at risk. Flossing is very important when you have a dental bridge.

Imagine you decided to go ahead and get a bridge done? Great job! Just like any dental procedure, make sure you are taking care of your dental and financial investment by taking care of it the correct way! Besides brushing twice a day and flossing between your teeth, you also need to floss underneath that bridge! How are you going to manage that? By using a proxybrush, which is a tiny brush designed to get into all the nooks and crannies between teeth. Adding a fluoride rinse to your dental hygiene routine will also help maintain your dental bridge. And don't forget to visit your favorite dentist twice a year for your cleanings and checkup!

If you are considering a dental bridge, or have any question regarding replacing a missing tooth, give us a call at(513) 868-0669. Dr Fattahi and his staff will educate you on the best option for you and help by answering any questions you may have!

Permanent Fixed Bridge

Cadent iTeroWith our iTero® digital scanning system, you no longer need to get the "goopy" impressions. Everything is scanned and sent to our custom lab digitally. You will never want to get another impression again!


A Permanent Bridge replaces one or more missing teeth. A Bridge will:

  • Keep teeth from drifting into the space created from a missing tooth
  • Help preserve normal function and normal bite for the jaw joint

A Permanent Bridge is usually anchored to the teeth on both sides of the space from the missing tooth. This gives the bridge strong support. Brushing a bridge is no different than brushing natural teeth, but special flossing instructions are given to keep the bridge and surrounding tissue healthy.

A Permanent Bridge is permanently bonded in place, unlike a Partial Denture (sometimes called a "Removable Bridge"), which is removable.